Sept. 11, 2021 | By Minghui correspondent Gao Siyu
After four sold-out performances in San Antonio in August, Shen Yun Performing Arts returned to Texas with three sold-out shows in Richardson on September 4–5, 2021.
“Reinvigorating to the Heart”
Carmelo Santini, the lead guitarist of a regional gospel funk band, saw Shen Yun at the Eisemann Centre in Richardson, Texas, on September 5, 2021. “I never say anything is perfect, but I would say it was flawless. I thought it was amazing and it’s the second time I have seen the show,” Mr. Santini said.
“I think (the music) anchors the entire show together. It’s the centerpiece of the show and it’s incredible.
“The textures that they put together—the fusion of East and West—is really interesting and seamless… The composition and the backdrop with the story that the choreographer tells is really just brought to life by the music… The way that they sync together.
“There were special moments, mostly the dynamics of the orchestra when they reduce everything very quietly and then they’re very percussive. The most dramatic moments of the show are when there’s silence,” he said.
Mr. Santini said he’s always liked the music selections in Shen Yun. This year, he said the erhu soloist was “incredible.”
“I actually felt so much energy in my chest… I felt like I was going to have to stand up or my heart was going to jump or something,” he said of the instrumental performance. “And whenever it reached that point, it was like yin and yang almost—the balance and the contrast was profound.
“I think that the truth of the production reaches all audiences and that’s why it’s so successful. And then the way that it’s presented, it’s so refreshing. It brings joy back into life and perspective, and is like food for the soul, the spirit,” Mr. Santini said.
“Watching Shen Yun is reinvigorating to the heart. And actually, they even said that there used to be an ancient belief, which I obviously believe as a musician: that music reaches both the physical body, the ear, and the spirit or the heart,” he said.
“It couldn’t get any better,” he said of Shen Yun.

Appreciates Traditional Chinese Culture
Judith Richie, a music teacher and a former singer, saw Shen Yun with her friend Harold Annis in Richardson, Texas, on September 4, 2021.
“It was unbeatable. I enjoyed the whole thing,” Ms. Ritchie said.
“And I really love the fact that you’re giving… background into the Chinese culture. It’s something that’s very necessary in this country and we’re learning a lot,” she said.

“Sacred Art”
Karyne Richardson, the Director of Graduate Studies at the Institute for Sound Health & Integrative Medicine, saw Shen Yun with her friend at the Eisemann Center in Richardson on September 4, 2021.
“I love the singing and I love the dancing, because life is movement, and it’s sacred. What you presented today, what everyone presented, was sacred art. It’s been saved and now brings forth life to the world because it’s so beautiful,” Ms. Richardson said.
Referring to the story which portrays the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners she said, “To tell the truth about what’s going on with the Falun Dafa practitioners, and the medical surgery that’s going on in China, and it harms people, it kills people. I’ve known about this for years because of my work, so I’m very happy that you’re brave enough—all of you—to tell the truth.”
“When our minds and our bodies are in alignment with heaven, joy comes out of it. So the joy, and the music, and the dancing were all one. They bring happiness and joy to the heart because it’s so perfect,” Ms. Richardson added.

“Divinity and Spiritualism”
Swati Hede, a practitioner of traditional Indian dance and the vice president of commercial and contract management at Capgemini North America, Inc., saw Shen Yun with Sherman Crabal in Richardson, Texas, on September 4, 2021.
“I’ve been waiting for this for years,” Ms. Hede said. “When I came here to the U.S. last time (in) 2018… I just missed it. I had to go back (to India).”
“I like the fact that they were talking about divinity and spiritualism. It was a lovely performance. More than that, it was sharing a message and I really loved it.
“The dancers are very, very graceful; the costumes are great. But in all of that, there is a story, so I really love the expressions,” she said.
Mr. Crabal said that he felt that Shen Yun presents life as it should be: “Compassion and how you bring God into your life… divinity. I know we are free to talk about these things these days. It was just wonderful—the theme, the music, everything.”
One particular message that resonated with Mr. Crabal was one of the vignettes that expressed how everybody is connected and that, despite the passing of hundreds of years, soulmates will always find each other.
“It’s like that’s our story too,” Ms. Hede added.
“Dance connects everybody together and the passion these performers had was really wonderful,” Mr. Crabal said.
“Maybe we are ‘old school,’ but you have to revive everything traditional. There’s a meaning, there’s a reason behind how things used to be,” he said.
“Dance is like poetry in motion and that is a tradition that should be preserved,” Ms. Hede said. “I’m very happy that 5,000-year-old traditions are still preserved.”
“I really loved the movement—I’m (going) home to practice the turns!” she said.

Upcoming Performances
Shen Yun continues its 2021-2022 tour with upcoming performances in:
Houston, Texas, September 18–26
McAllen, Texas, September 21
Seattle, Washington, September 30–October 3
Indianapolis, Indiana, Oct 2
Portland, Maine, Oct 2–3.
For more information on tickets and dates, please visit
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