Falun Gong practitioners held events in Karlsruhe and Munich on June 20, 2020, to raise awareness of the meditation practice and its persecution in China.
Raising Awareness in Karlsruhe
Practitioners introduced Falun Gong and informed the public about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of their faith on Marktplatz in Karlsruhe. Passersby paused to watch and talk with the practitioners, and many of them signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.
A Buddhist said she agreed with Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She had read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong. She wished that people would rediscover traditional values during the current coronavirus crisis.
Two women signed the petition after learning about the CCP’s persecution. They said the public event was a good way to draw attention to such an important issue.

Passerby in Munich Highlights Importance of Traditional Values
Many people expressed interest in the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. Some said they could feel the energy field. A man imitated the practitioners’ hand gestures when they demonstrated the first four sets of exercises.
Iris Schuster signed the petition and said that she had practiced qigong for eight years. She said, “Qigong is important for me. I hope everyone practices it.”
“Falun Gong has protested the persecution for many years. Many practitioners are killed for their organs. This is an unbelievable fact. People should sign the petition to stop the crime,” she said.
Schuster also talked about the current coronavirus pandemic and agreed that the complicity of various governments with the CCP’s crimes led to the spread of coronavirus.
“In the process of the ‘New World’ and ‘Globalisation’, traditions, culture, and values are facing the threat of extinction,” Schuster said. “Especially during the current pandemic, we have become aware of these truly important traditional values again. To live a truly beautiful and peaceful life, we must have such values.”
Pius Kirchler and his wife signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution. Kirchler said that he knew there are many people being persecuted in China and that live organ harvesting is the most terrible crime.

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