As Paris welcomes the summer travel season, Falun Gong practitioners continued their display near the Eiffel Tower to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution of the meditation practice by the Communist Party in China.
The serene demonstration of sitting meditation and exercise music drew the attention of many tourists, including a Nepalese residing in Norway. A practitioner told him that there are people practicing Falun Gong in more than 100 countries, including Norway.

A young lady from China said she had heard of Falun Gong when she was young. A practitioner told her about the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax staged by the communist authorities to incite public hatred against Falun Gong. She took some flyers and a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to read at home.
Madame Boulanger, the CEO of an company, signed a petition and said she wished to help stop the persecution in China. She added that those in China should have freedom to practice their belief.
A group of young tourists from Spain also signed the petition. One of the students said, “Falun Gong teaches people to be good. The persecution is inhumane. The CCP should not persecute Falun Gong.” They learned the second set of Falun Gong exercises from a practitioner.

Camilia is a 17-year-old high school student in Picardie, France. She read the posters and learned about the persecution of practitioners in China and their continued efforts to raise awareness using peaceful means. She took an hour-long train ride to Paris to learn the Falun Gong exercises and meditation. Afterwards, she said she felt refreshed and would come to Paris often during her summer break.