The Lotus flower has a special meaning to Chinese people and people from many other cultural backgrounds. It grows out of the mud but remains clean and untainted.
Practitioners displayed information posters and handmade lotus flowers in front of the California State Capitol in Sacramento on June 7, 2017, and introduced Falun Dafa cultivation practice to passersby.
Stephanie, who works in state government, stopped and read the information posters to learn about the practice. She said, “I am planning to try some meditation and glad to see you here.” She was happy to know that practitioners offer free instruction nearby. She thanked them for their voluntary efforts.

One Chinese lady was interested in the health benefits of Falun Dafa. Upon finding out that the practitioner she was talking with was almost 80 years old, she was very surprised. “My mother is a similar age to you but you look much younger and healthier than her.” She asked for information for her mother and also helped practitioners distribute information to passersby.
In addition to talking with the public about Falun Dafa, the practitioners also visited the state legislature offices and left some lotus flowers for the staff. Many staff members came to the activities afterwards and talked with practitioners.

Diane, who worked in one of the offices, said she liked the flowers as well as the principles of Falun Dafa: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Another lady from a state government office stopped and thanked the practitioners, saying, “I received a lotus flower from you several years ago and I really love it. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received.”