Falun Dafa practitioners from New York participated in the Green Festival Expo at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on June 10-11, 2017. Nearly 200 vendors participated in the event, which toured such major cities as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington DC.
While other vendors introduced environmentally friendly food, products, and lifestyles, the peaceful exercises demonstrated by the practitioners piqued the interest of many spectators.
One man who stopped at the booth said he was planning to open a fitness center in Connecticut. When he heard practitioners say how much they had benefited from Falun Dafa, physically and spiritually, he invited them to teach the exercises at the fitness center when it was completed. He was also glad to hear there were locations nearby where practitioners gathered regularly to do the exercises together, and said he would follow up.

An older lady said her adult son was hyperactive. She said, “He tried yoga and other types of meditation, but the results have been limited.” Impressed by the exercise demonstration, she said she would check into it and read Zhuan Falun online.
A scientist in the medical field was curious about Falun Dafa and chatted with a practitioner for a long time. He was pleased to hear the benefits gained by practitioners from the practice and said he would give it a try.
One young woman was surprised to learn how practitioners in China have suffered for their belief. She signed a petition urging an end to the persecution and said she would tell more people about it.