(February 20, 2016 | By Hua Qing in Sydney Australia)
The Sydney Falun Gong group’s Divine Land Marching Band offered spirited performances at the Chinese New Year celebration in downtown Sydney on the evenings of February 10th and 13th.
As the new light track construction has closed many streets in major commercial areas, the annual parade was replaced with a zodiac-themed lantern display and cultural performances in honor of the holiday.

Three young tourists from Hong Kong said they felt proud to hear traditional Chinese music in Australia, and that it made them feel more at home. They were familiar with Falun Gong as they often see Falun Gong parades in Hong Kong.
Many Chinese residents were also impressed by the band. “Look, this is Falun Gong!” and “Wow, such a large band!” was a common reaction among the Chinese in the crowd.