Clarifying the Truth at a Dinner Function
Several Falun Gong practitioners went to a dinner in Brisbane organised by the Australia-China Friendship Society and co-sponsored by a local travel agency to promote China.
Several Falun Gong practitioners went to a dinner in Brisbane organised by the Australia-China Friendship Society and co-sponsored by a local travel agency to promote China.
Council sources told The Age that part of the reason was because Lord
Mayor John So was under pressure from the Chinese business community to
exclude the group. Cr Riley denied the suggestion.
The case centred on “one decision” by the festival hosts, their
legal responsibilities and their preparedness to accept the consequences
that could arise from allowing Falun Dafa a stall at the event, Dr Vout
(SFDI) – The discrimination complaint lodged by Dr. Michael Pearson-Smith on behalf of the Falun Fo Xue Association of Australia, following the exclusion of Falun Dafa from the Chinese New Year Festival of 2002, was today resolved at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The Hearing, which began on Tuesday, concluded with a settlement that guarantees Falun Dafa participation in future festivals up to the year 2008.
How deeply you have inspired and truly touched the hearts of so many practitioners and others worldwide with your articles and experience sharings posted on Minghui and Clearwisdom, (Falun Dafa websites) particularly over the last 3 years.
Concern for crowd safety, not politics, was the reason the spiritual
Falun Dafa was excluded from last year’s Chinese New Year Festival in
Melbourne, a tribunal heard today.
The “long arm” of Beijing prevented Australian Falun Gong practitioners
joining last year’s Chinese New Year Festival in the southern city of
Melbourne, lawyers for the spiritual movement said Tuesday.
FALUN Dafa, a group espousing truth, tolerance and forbearance was
by Ashfield Council last week in line with the Chinese Government’s ban
the organisation.
MANLY Falun Dafa practitioners will be coming together to celebrate
compassion and tolerance from February 17-24.
The “long arm of Beijing” prevented spiritual group Falun Dafa from joining
last year’s Melbourne Chinese New Year festival, a Melbourne tribunal was
told yesterday.