Australian citizen Lorrita Liu’s mother Yuhua Li and sister Chunxia Liu have been illegally detained in China.

 Australian citizen Lorrita Liu’s mother Yuhua Li and sister Chunxia Liu have been illegally detained in China.

Online petition URL (you can help by filling in this petition):

Petition Number: EN0219

Petition Address: To the Hon. Speaker of the House of Representatives and Members of the House of Representatives

Petitioner: Ms. Lorrita Liu

Petition Reason: Lorrita Liu is an Australian citizen from Hustville, NSW. Her mother and sister have been illegally detained in Xi’an City (a Sister city of Hobart), China since 22 March 2017.

Lorrita Liu and her mother (Yuhua Li) and sister (Chunxia Liu) all practice the spiritual meditation Falun Gong (Falun Dafa). Falun Gong is a spiritual practice based on the principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”. The Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime since July 1999. Yuhua Li (Lorrita’s mother) is 72 years old. Between 1999-2016, she was illegally detained in brainwashing class twice, abducted 5 times, in detention centre 4 times, sent to forced labour camp for 1 year, and illegally sentenced to 3 years. She was tortured, repeatedly beaten, shocked with electric batons, and deprived of sleep of 3 days in a row. She is now locked up in Baqiao District Brainwashing Class.

Chunxia Liu (Lorrita’s sister) is illegally detained in Xincheng District Detention Centre in Xi’an City, as of the date when this petition is submitted. The treatment of Lorrita Liu’s family in China has left the whole family distraught.

On 1 December 2003, the Australian Senate passed Motion No. 704 calling for the rescue of illegally detained Australian family members (of Falun Gong practitioners) from Chinese labour camps, and there have been some successful rescue cases following that motion.

Petition Request

It’s requested that the House do all it can to help the urgent release of Australian citizen Lorrita Liu’s mother Yuhua Li and sister Chunxia Liu from illegal detention in China.