Month: July 2004

The Epoch Times: Do Not Trade Your Integrity

China’s record of human rights and in particular the persecution of the spiritual practice Falun Gong is an example of the government systematically doing the same. In order to persecute large groups of innocent people, police and local government officials are given absolute power to disregard basic civil and human rights.

Confirmed Death Count of Falun Gong Practitioners in China Exceeds 1,000

On October 14, 2001, the Falun Dafa Information Center’s confirmed death toll was 323. Also in October 2001, Chinese Government sources reported that the actual death toll was well over 1,600 – more than five times the verified number. If the actual death toll shows the same increase as the confirmed death toll has, then the true death toll today is over 5,000

Australians Appeal at Kirribilli House(Photos)

Hundreds of Australians from around the country will appeal to the Australian Government, at Kirribilli House by individually hand delivering a personal letter to Prime Minister Howard to investigate the attempted murder of 9 Citizens in South Africa.

The “Transformation” of Mr. Han

Sources in China recently related to us the story of Mr. Han, a Falun Gong practitioner whose journey took him from being tortured to becoming the torturer, and finally back again, until he was ultimately killed by the very same system.

Interview with One Victim in the South Africa Shooting Incident

The shooting of overseas Falun Gong practitioners draws attention to the possible involvement of the Chinese Communist Party. There have been various reports in the U.S., Australia, Canada, Germany, France and Switzerland, to name a few, about Chinese consulates hiring local gangsters to verbally threaten and physically assault Falun Gong practitioners.

Thailand AP-NGO Forum Film Festival (Photos)

More than 700 human rights activists from over 35 countries gathered together in Thailand to raise the awareness of the violation of women’s rights and to look for joint effort to achieve a solution for human rights improvement, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.